



2024-07-19 17:42:06 来源:网络


have in common with是什么意思 -
1.What do tennis player goran ivanisevic and songwriter paul mccartney have in commonwith fidel castro? They are all left-handers.男子网球手伊万尼塞维奇、作曲家保罗麦卡特尼和古巴总统卡斯特罗有什么共同之处?他们都是左撇子。-- 如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮到此结束了?。


have in common with,have后面必须加东西吗? -
是的,一般用法:have sth in common with sb:与某人在某方面相同。
具体如下:in common是“共同、共有、共用”的意思。例如:Real friends should have everything incommon.真正的好朋友什么东西都应该共同享有。in common with则是“跟……相同、与……有共同之处”的意思。例如:In common with many people, he prefers classical music to pop.和许多人一样,..
haveincommon什么意思? -
有共同之处。common是一个英文单词,词性为形容词和名词,译为“普遍的,常见的;公共用地,公地”。in common共同的;共有的common people大众,平民common ground(争论双方的)共同基础;一致之处in common with与…一样common sense常识双语例句What do they have in common?那他们有什么后面会介绍。
意思是:在某方面有相同之处。造句:What comedians have in common with the players in a comedy.翻译:喜剧演员和喜剧中的演员的共同点。1、短语have nothing in common 毫无共同之处have something in common 有共同之处2、原声例句Well, however we settle that issue, notice there's 还有呢?
have…… in common什么意思? -
have ……in common意思是有共同之处。have和in common可以连在一起使用,也可以之间加something或nothing等词,形成固定结构。造句如下:1、quot;The thing they all have in common is that they all had a great year, stuck to their own personalstyle and stayed true to that," said Cruz. (..
have好了吧!in common的意思:有共同之处common 读法 英[ˈkɒmən] 美[ˈkɑːmən]1、adj. 共同的;普通的;一般的;通常的2、n. 普通;平民;公有地词汇搭配:1、common people 大众,平民2、common ground (争论双方的)共同基础;一致之处好了吧!
英语翻译造句带句子翻译:1 have.in common with *** 2 from then on3...
1 have.in mon with *** I have a lot in mon with you in diet.我和你在饮食(习惯)上有很多共同点.2 from then onI have changed a lot from then on.自从那时起,我改变了许多【楼上把then当成Now了,嘿嘿】3 in a wayIn a way,we're very similar.在某种程度上我们两个很相像.4好了吧!
have little in common with 意思是“与等会说。 几乎没有共同之处”。